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Motivated and dedicated young professional to the mission and vision of non-profit organizations. I strive to cultivate innovative ideas and carry them out to benefit an organization.

Saint Mary's College - Notre Dame, IN

Assistant Director for the Office of Civic and Social Engagement


I oversee 30+ young college women through the College Academy of Tutoring program. I also maintain partnerships with South Bend's local Title I schools in which our Saint Mary's students serve. I oversee volunteers for episodic service events throughout the community. In addition, I oversee five students in marketing, website design and social media setting. 



Saint Mary's College - Notre Dame, IN


Embody Summer Theological Institute Assistant Coordinator

I work with the director and coordinator of a new summer program at Saint Mary's College for high school young women. Throughout the year, I organize the logistical information for the Institute, work with the marketing department on printed material and oversee the social media websites. 

For my past professional experiences, please refer to the link that will guide you to my entire resume located on my welcome page.

Holy Cross College - Notre Dame, IN
B.A. Communications
Minors: Spanish, Marketing, Theology


Holy Cross College provided me with a holistic experience - transforming my mind, body, and spirit. I took courses such as Leadership Management, Introduction to Public Relations, and all levels of Spanish courses that would benefit any non-profit organizations in a communications or development capacity. 

My extra-curricular activities included: Mission Team, Student Philanthropy Council (Vice-Chair in 2014-2015, Chair in 2015-2016), Social Concerns Committee President (2013-2014) and Cheerleading Captain (2013-2014).



Professional ​
Anchor 1

Interpersonal Communications

Writing for media

Microsoft Word/Excel/PowerPoint


Special Events

Data entry


English (native)

Spanish (Working proficiency)

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